Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Memories 2007

We had such a busy December, as I am sure many others did too. With Christmas parties, school programs and family gathering we stayed pretty busy. We picked our tree this year from an actual tree farm. Chris had to cut it down himself. HA! When we arrived they handed him a hand saw, no lie. I could bend it over my knee. We found the "perfect" tree and noticed other men lying on the ground sweating in our 70+ degree weather (hence the children's attire). Chris is smarted than that and found a local friend riding a tractor around the farm. He borrowed his chainsaw. I felt like an ant near a sugar pile, people started flocking to us to borrow the chainsaw. Too funny!
Leah's school had a program. She sang two songs. A silly one and Happy Birthday Jesus. Leah is still not a fan of the camera so I don't have many good shots of her. Maybe next year!
We ended up the month with parties, the annual Blalock Christmas, and Mr. Whiskers annual party for the employees. With much anticipation for the big day the jolly ole man comes to visit.

On another note, so glad to see Brandi and Alyssa joining the blog world! More blogs to stalk!

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