I wish I had a great story of some adventure we've been on, but none to report. Just been busy. Busy doing nothing too exciting. The girls are great. A little sickness, but then again, so does everyone else they go to school with :) All is well with us. We visited with our cousins this past weekend. Sydney from AL was in town. Kendall was in NOLA with James. We did go visit them this weekend. James is growing so fast. He is such a good baby. Doesn't seem needy at all. He is so content. Kendall is preparing for a play at her school. We'll go watch her perform. The girls are so excited. Both girls are practicing for their end of the year ballet recital. I've gotten to watch both of them practice. It should be interesting! :) Ball season is coming soon, Kate is getting excited about that. Me personally, I am just ready for some warm weather - to stay! And now for what we all come to these sites for PICTURES!!!!!
Future Doctor????

Check out his outfit!